check-mark-blue Find residents & owners check-mark-blue Verify mailing address check-mark-blue Get contact & background info
how does reverse address search work image

How does a Reverse Address Lookup Work?

To find out who lives at an address, simply enter the address, city, and state in the search box. Whitepages Reverse Address Search uses algorithmic search technology to instantly search millions of address records to provide a list of residents, owners, phone and email addresses, neighbors, and up-to-date property information.

All address data is updated regularly, and you can choose to be notified when information associated with residents and property owners' changes.

What information can a Reverse Address Lookup Provide?

checkmark in blue circle

Resident & Owner Information

  • First name and last names
  • Ages
  • Property records
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Contact information

  • Phone numbers
  • All current & past addresses
  • Email addresses
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Property Records

  • Other properties owned
  • Property values
  • Mortgage & property history
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Neighborhood Details

  • Nearby addresses & residents
  • Neghbor contact info
  • Mortgage info

When to use Reverse Address Lookup:

home marker with person

Find out who lives there

Look up an address to determine who lives there, who owns the property, and to get contact info for residents and owners.
home folder with papers

Get property information

Find property owner contact information, including mobile and landline numbers, email addresses, and other owned properties.
phone map with pin

Verify an address on the go

Make sure you have the right address when on the go, whether you’re delivering a package, visiting a property, sending something to a loved one or gathering with friends.
desktop map with markers

Get neighborhood information

Find out who the neighbors are, their contact information, and other up-to-date information about the neighborhood such as household incomes, mortgages and rents.

What are people saying about Whitepages Reverse Address Lookup?

thumbs up blue

Easy to use

Whitepages is very easy to use. Thank you. You make my life easier.
- CJ M.
check mark blue square

Accurate data instantly

Whitepages gives you detailed, accurate information in seconds! This is a service I couldn't live without.
- Giovanni O.
five pointed star in blue square

Invaluable for businesses

I use Whitepages every day. As a Realtor, I use it to verify phone numbers and email addresses of propery owners that are no longer in the area.
- Susan W.

Frequently Asked Questions

us map contant info for 250 plus million individuals

Whitepages is used by more than 30 million people every month

Whitepages has been the leader in accurate phone number, address, and other contact data since 1997 and is widely recognized as the best reverse phone lookup available.

With comprehensive contact information for more than 250 million individuals, plus spam caller information, every 3 seconds a user finds the information they need on Whitepages.

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